The returned statement plan, if not NULL, must be later released using
If the was no plan (or profile) in the server response, the result of this
function will be NULL and errno will be set to NEO4J_NO_PLAN_AVAILABLE.
Note that errno will not be modified when a plan is returned, so error
checking MUST evaluate the return value first.
@param results The result stream.
@return The statement plan/profile, or NULL if a plan/profile was not
available or on error (errno will be set).
Return the statement plan for the result stream.
The returned statement plan, if not NULL, must be later released using neo4j_statement_plan_release().
If the was no plan (or profile) in the server response, the result of this function will be NULL and errno will be set to NEO4J_NO_PLAN_AVAILABLE. Note that errno will not be modified when a plan is returned, so error checking MUST evaluate the return value first.
@param results The result stream. @return The statement plan/profile, or NULL if a plan/profile was not available or on error (errno will be set).