The neo4j dot directory is typically ".neo4j" within the users home
directory. If append is NULL, then an absoulte path to the home
directory is placed into buffer.
@param buffer The buffer in which to place the path, which will be
null terminated. If the buffer is NULL, then the function
will still return the length of the path it would have placed
into the buffer.
@param n The size of the buffer. If the path is too large to place
into the buffer (including the terminating '\0' character),
an ERANGE error will result.
@param append The relative path to append to the dot directory, which
may be NULL.
@return The length of the resulting path (not including the null
terminating character), or -1 on error (errno will be set).
Return a path within the neo4j dot directory.
The neo4j dot directory is typically ".neo4j" within the users home directory. If append is NULL, then an absoulte path to the home directory is placed into buffer.
@param buffer The buffer in which to place the path, which will be null terminated. If the buffer is NULL, then the function will still return the length of the path it would have placed into the buffer. @param n The size of the buffer. If the path is too large to place into the buffer (including the terminating '\0' character), an ERANGE error will result. @param append The relative path to append to the dot directory, which may be NULL. @return The length of the resulting path (not including the null terminating character), or -1 on error (errno will be set).