Closes the result stream and releases all memory held by it, including
results and values obtained from it.
@attention After this function is invoked, all neo4j_result_t objects
fetched from this stream, and any values obtained from them, will be invalid
and _must not be accessed_. Doing so will result in undetermined and
unstable behaviour. This is true even if this function returns an error.
@param results The result stream. The pointer will be invalid after the
function returns.
@return 0 on success, or -1 on error (errno will be set).
Close a result stream.
Closes the result stream and releases all memory held by it, including results and values obtained from it.
@attention After this function is invoked, all neo4j_result_t objects fetched from this stream, and any values obtained from them, will be invalid and _must not be accessed_. Doing so will result in undetermined and unstable behaviour. This is true even if this function returns an error.
@param results The result stream. The pointer will be invalid after the function returns. @return 0 on success, or -1 on error (errno will be set).