- close
int function(neo4j_iostream* self) close;
- flush
int function(neo4j_iostream* self) flush;
Flush the output buffer of the iostream.
- read
ssize_t function(neo4j_iostream* self, void* buf, size_t nbyte) read;
Read bytes from a stream into the supplied buffer.
- readv
ssize_t function(neo4j_iostream* self, const(iovec)* iov, uint iovcnt) readv;
Read bytes from a stream into the supplied I/O vector.
- write
ssize_t function(neo4j_iostream* self, const(void)* buf, size_t nbyte) write;
Write bytes to a stream from the supplied buffer.
- writev
ssize_t function(neo4j_iostream* self, const(iovec)* iov, uint iovcnt) writev;
Write bytes to a stream ifrom the supplied I/O vector.
An I/O stream for neo4j client.